Approved by the decision
of the editorial board of the scientific,
practical and theoretical journal
“ Innovative Development of the Economy”
Chief Editor O.A. Mironova
Regulations on reviewing scientific articles published in the journal
"Innovative development of economy"
An article is accepted for consideration subject to compliance with the requirements posted on the journal’s website in the section “Ethics and conditions of publication.”
All materials must be open in nature.
The following are sent to the editorial office of the journal by e-mail: a copy of the article read by the author (co-authors), information about the author(s), a covering letter with a request to place the article in one of the headings (specify which) of the journal, an abstract (in Russian and English), Key words (in Russian and English). Journal email:
An article received by the editor from the author (authors) is registered and sent to the member of the editorial board in charge of the relevant scientific area. By decision of the editor-in-chief, the article may be sent to a reviewer for external review. The article is sent to the reviewer without the author's last name. The author is also not informed who the reviewer of his article is.
The reviewer reviews the received article within ten days from the date of receipt, after which the reviewer makes one of three recommendations:
- recommend the article for publication;
- recommend the article for publication after revision based on the reviewer’s comments
- not recommend the article for publication, indicating the reasons for such a decision.
An article sent by the author to the editor after the comments have been eliminated is considered in the general manner.
When reviewing articles, attention is paid to the relevance of the scientific problem being solved by the author or the formulation of the problem for scientific discussion. In a review, an article can be characterized in terms of the theoretical and/or applied significance of the research and the personal contribution of the author.
All submissions for publication must not contain incorrect borrowings of text.
The editorial board considers the recommendations received from reviewers and the manuscripts of submitted articles and decides to publish the publication in one of the next issues of the journal.
Articles not accepted for publication are not returned to the author. The author is sent a reasoned refusal or a copy of the reviewer's recommendation.
All reviewers are qualified specialists in the subject matter of the materials being reviewed and have published on the subject of the article being reviewed over the past 3 years. Reviews are stored in the editorial office for 5 years.
The editors of the publication must send copies of reviews or a reasoned refusal to the authors of the submitted materials.
Upon receipt of a corresponding request, the editors are obliged to send copies of reviews to the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.